"Please write something!”...Various Taurus committee members words ring in my ears...But what? I ask myself as I stare out of the window during this most extraordinary and challenging time. It’s ok, I don’t propose to dwell on that subject. But I do want to send a massive message of thanks out to the huge effort the Taurus committee have been and are putting in to promote the Taurus message as they seek to extend the family.
I joined Oxford Poly when we had an amazing “club spirit”. We, the students, ran the club for the members. We had socials amongst the whole club, we trained hard and partied hard. In our own way we have always wanted to recreate that spirit within Taurus. We all have shared experiences of rowing with Oxford Poly/Brookes. We are working to promote our friendship and create connections. It seems more appropriate right now than ever before, that we are here and Taurus is relevant. We have a huge cross section of members spanning over 40 years! If needed, we can be the “support bubble”, the connection for the new job or simply an additional news service for what is going on with our members and the current elite squad of Brookes athletes.
Rowing was the making of me and my time at Poly/Brookes moulded me into the person I am today. Odd for me to say this as a Poly/Brookes oarsman...but through adversity and the disappointment of not quite succeeding at my ultimate goal It has led to me achieving arguably bigger and better than I could have ever imagined. My message is that for many this period is a massively challenging time, and many are facing adversity and disappointment whether in work or, of course in rowing objectives for the younger members. If you can muscle through you will end up stronger and more capable and better equipped to cope with future challenges and undoubtably what life will throw at you.
Now is our time to come together and support each other. We did in the gym, on the runs and on the water. By being a member of Taurus you are part of something special. The network is far and wide. You can simply follow the social media posts, or be more proactive and connect with past friends. Or indeed take part right now in the current physical challenge that the committee have initialed. It’s great to see athletes from the 80’s not daunted and posting daily endurance scores and matching present day athletes.
Through adversity great things can happen. As Taurus members let’s support each other. With the huge effort the committee are making at this time let’s emerge a stronger and even more relevant Taurus boat club.
Future dates:
7-8pm Saturday 20th March - Virtual AGM and questions for the committee. (Invites to follow),
Careers after rowing, an evening with; Pete Lowe, Tamsin Bryant, Simon Speirs and James Symington. Details to follow.
The Taurus BBQ - Saturday of HRR (August fingers crossed!),
Head of the Charles - We would love to still race at HOCR however, we will follow guidelines and make a decision closer to the time.
Taurus Aerobic Challenge:
It has been fantastic to see so many of our members join the Taurus Strava group that we created during the first lockdown. Simon Speirs has been working hard on creating a tracker where you can log your daily miles run/cycled, km on an ergo or time in the gym to score points. Join the Strava club and the discussion here.
Get involved by logging your miles on the google sheet here
Richard Spratley- Director of Rowing
"As I am writing this, we are currently in the middle of the third lockdown and have just heard today that the Head of the River Race has been cancelled, as was the Women’s Head of the River last week. Since the end of March last year, we have certainly been experiencing very troubled times and our rowing teams have been no exception to any other sport at Brookes or indeed the whole country.
We are still very hopeful that Women’s Henley Regatta and Henley Royal Regatta will proceed. All of the athletes have been training hard at home and we are monitoring daily each athlete’s performance and training scores. If any university rowing team is ready to re-start training and competition, then we are probably the best placed to do so in a strong healthy fashion.
We have certainly our strongest ever Women’s squad assembled and very professionally coached by Richard Chambers. We have high hopes of competing with distinction in the inaugural Women’s University Eights event at Henley and still have aspirations to become champions in the Eights, primarily in the BUCS Regatta in May which is still scheduled to go ahead.
Our Men’s team is unquestionably the strongest group we have ever assembled and we have very high hopes, if the summer season progresses, to be highly competitive in the Grand Challenge Cup, the Ladies Challenge Plate and the Temple Challenge Plate at Henley Royal Regatta.
We are currently also experiencing some of the most challenging river conditions we have had over recent months.
As coaches we are doing all possible to remain very competitive and are hopeful that the summer season will progress and that all of our athletes can resume river training as soon as possible. Henry Bailhache and Richard Chambers have both prepared excellent graphs showing the progress of our Women’s crews in the Women’s Head of the River race over the years and, likewise, the Men’s crews over the years, from the 1990’s onwards, showing how each of the Brookes boats has fared. This makes exciting reading showing the high levels of achievement year on year."
Lastly, a few words from the committee….
As you are all aware, we are having a big drive to update the database & re-launch Taurus again after some quiet years. From it’s roots, as a club to raise money for the existing boat club, to where we are today, with nearly 500 members, our direction is changing & moving towards a club where members can use their past connections to network & socialise & remain friends long after they leave Oxford. And new members, especially existing undergraduates, can tap into the pool of experience out there, & use it to assist them in taking their next steps after rowing.
This is undoubtably one of the most valuable assets we have, & therefore we are actively putting together plans to make this happen & be accessible to all, most likely based around various existing social media platforms. It will be called Taurus Connect.
Finally, we would be really grateful if you could respond to our vice chairman, James, (if you haven’t already), to his email request to you to confirm your details to him, thanks!